Systematic Maps - IGN Help

Systematic Maps - Sysmaps: Applied Topographical and Physical Maps

IGN France - Help

ignlogo3 gpsgate loki

(1) IGN Topograpical Map


(2) Select Layers: Aerial Pictures


(3) Zoom with Right Hand Control


(4) Franson GPS or WiFi Position

gpsgate loki

Press 'Locate' and the browser will try to ascertain your position based on WiFi signals. You may need to give permission for browser positioning. If found, the position is displayed with a blue marker.

Franson provides tools in GPSGate to allow web pages to read the position from a GPS connected to a local computer in a safe and controlled way.

You need to make sure that you have GpsGate 2.6 or later installed, and have "GPS in Browser" added as an Output. You also need a built-in GPS or a GPS connected to your computer and GpsGate must be running. Alternatively you can use the software to simulate routes if no GPS feed is available.

GPS in browser works with any browser that handles javascripts. It is tested on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Opera Mobile on Windows Mobile / Pocket PC.

(5) Email, Weather & Wikipedia

You can also email the positions of the markers for future reference:


Local weather and up to twenty Wikipedia entries within a radius of fifteen kilometres will be displayed at the bottom of the map. You can also clear or update the entries based on the current centre of the map.


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French topographical maps with:

Search place and zip code
Find current location
Live GPS position GPSGate
Satellite maps
Features layers
Email links and current positions
Current weather
Twenty Wikipedia links
Geohack links to other maps